Chicago Healthy Homes Ordinance (CHHO)

Last updated: February 20, 2012 – 12:07 PM

What is CHHO? The proposed Chicago Healthy Homes Ordinance is designed to enforce building code standards and protect renters from health hazards in the home.

Why do we need it? The current building inspection system is a complaint-based service provided by city inspectors.  This means that tenants hold the burden of requesting proper maintenance, property owners can neglect buildings without regular code enforcement, and families are forced to relocate or live with egregious conditions affecting their health. In today’s economy, moving is not always a  viable option. We believe that the City should initiate a proactive inspection program that could identify home-based health hazards along with general maintenance needs, and require property owners to make the necessary repairs.

If you are having Healthy Homes issues in your apartment, contact MTO’s Hotline for assistance at 773-292-4988 x225, or notify your landlord directly online at Squared Away Chicago.  

With the current complaint-based system, a tenant is harmed before intervention occurs. However, with a proactive system, hazards would be identified and abated before anyone is harmed. Common  health hazards that can be found and/or hidden in the home include:

Cities across the country are adopting or have in place–proactive, systematic rental housing inspection programs to preserve housing stock and protect renters.  Those cities include:

MTO believes all renters living in the City of Chicago deserve safe and decent housing.  We are working hard to gain the support of city council!  If you would like to get involved and share your story, please contact us at 773-292-4980 ext 225