Employment Opportunities

Last updated: March 11, 2020 – 8:24 AM

Position Title: Community Organizer

The Community Organizer (CO) position is full-time (40 hours per week) and will be under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director. The CO’s duties include taking building referrals from the hotline, determining whether the building should be in the organizing program, and setting up initial meetings. Upon acceptance into the program, CO will organize tenants, tenant associations, community activists, and housing advocates to develop and implement actions and campaigns that result in tangible victories, convene building strategy meetings including planning and executing direct actions when necessary; develop and conduct training opportunities to strengthen tenant leadership skills. Organize educational training for tenants and organizational staff. CO will when needed perform Healthy Homes inspections

Building Organizing
1. Receive 10 referrals per month from the hotline, Eviction Prevention Field Worker, or other organizations for residents with a building-wide problem.
2. Form 14 tenants’ associations, conduct one on ones, outreach to tenants, set up initial tenant meetings, build tenant leadership (virtual and in-person);
3. Develop action oriented strategies for building wide campaign defined by tenant issues;
4. Set up meetings between tenants and owners and tenants and aldermen;
5. Successfully secure victories to improve building conditions;
6. Recruit 25 members and volunteers;
7. Develop tenant leaders – Identify and train building leaders in meeting facilitation, media strategies, power analysis, action planning;
8. Develop and implement media and social media strategies including: developing materials including, press releases, bulletins, testimony, etc.;
9. When needed train new organizers, interns, volunteers and VISTAs;
10. Promote and Recruit tenants to support advocacy campaigns;
11. Increase collaboration between MTO and other agencies to further program objectives;
12. Perform building inspections

1. Set up tenants rights and healthy homes training (virtual or in-person)
2. Send out social media notices to members and others

1. Maintain records, monthly outcome reports, and files for each contact.
2. Create monthly program story
3. Provide weekly report to Assistant director of activities
4. Prepare or assist in preparing City monthly CDBG reports

General and assigned duties
1. 10 Hotline calls/week
2. Staff meetings
3. Advocacy meetings
4. Time sheets
5. Other Duties as Assigned


– Knowledge of Chicago’s social, political and housing issues
– Experience directing organizing campaigns, preferably in housing issues.
– Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work independently as well as to work collaboratively in teams.
– Must have experience, ability, and desire to work with racially and culturally diverse communities.
– Must have some computer knowledge of computer programs (Word Excel, Zoom, etc
– Must have strong organizational skills and an ability to work days and evenings.
– Have excellent communications skills both public speaking and written.
– Must have a minimum of an AA degree, BA preferred
– Must have a valid driver’s license, car, Internet and cell phone.

Please send resume and cover letter to John Bartlett – johnb@tenants-rights.org
The Metropolitan Tenants Organization is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Position Title: Healthy Homes Coordinator
Salary Range: Depending on experience – including health and dental
Classification: Full-time, Exempt

The Healthy Homes and Advocacy Coordinator (HHAC) position is full time (40 hours per week) and will be under the direct supervision of the Executive Director. The HHAC duties include setting advocacy meetings and workshops with tenants, meeting with public officials to promote advocacy campaigns, meet with community orgs to seek endorsements, campaign outreach efforts, taking healthy homes referrals from the hotline, determining whether MTO can assist the tenant, Upon acceptance into the program, HHAC will assist tenants to get concrete repairs and encourage them to become part of advocacy campaigns. Develop and conduct training opportunities to strengthen tenant leadership skills. Organize educational trainings for tenants and organizational staff. HHAC will when needed perform Healthy Homes inspections

Advocacy Coordination – 30%
1. Create a base of at least 10 renters interested in MTO campaigns
2. Train tenant leaders to advocate for Chicago Healthy Homes Ordinance, to testify at events and to represent the campaign to the media
3. Set up and meet with 3 public officials per month and bring tenants to meetings
4. Set up meetings with 1 community organizations per month
5. Get at least one new community endorsement every month
6. Set up quarterly trainings for tenant leaders to build skills I meeting facilitation, media strategies, power analysis, action planning;
7. Develop 3-4 public events to support Chicago Healthy Homes Ordinance

Healthy Homes Organizing – 30%
1. Receive 10 referrals per month from the hotline, Eviction Prevention Field Worker or other organizations for residents with a building wide problem.
2. Develop action oriented strategies for tenants to secure building improvements;
3. Successfully secure victories to improve building conditions;
4. When needed train new organizers, interns, volunteers and VISTAs;
5. Promote and Recruit tenants to support advocacy campaigns;
6. Perform approximately one building inspection per month

Trainings – 15%
1. Set up 3 tenants rights training for healthy homes (virtual or in-person)
2. Send out social media notices to members and others

Reporting – 5%
1. Maintain records, monthly outcome reports, and files for each contact.
2. Create monthly program story
3. Provide weekly report to Assistant director of activities

General and assigned duties – 20%
1. 10 Hotline calls/week
2. Staff meetings
3. Advocacy meetings
4. Time sheets
5. Other Duties as Assigned

– Knowledge of Chicago’s social, political and housing issues
– Experience directing organizing campaigns, preferably in housing issues.
– Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work independently as well as to work collaboratively in teams.
– Must have experience, ability, and desire to work with racially and culturally diverse communities.
– Must have some computer knowledge of computer programs (Word Excel, Zoom, etc
– Must have strong organizational skills and an ability to work days and evenings.
– Have excellent communications skills both public speaking and written.
– Must have a minimum of a BA
– Must have a valid driver’s license, car, Internet and cell phone.

Please send resume and cover letter to John Bartlett – johnb@tenants-rights.org
The Metropolitan Tenants Organization is an Equal Opportunity Employer.




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