Renters’ use of housing choice vouchers, more commonly known as Section 8 vouchers, long has worried communities that the arrival of voucher-holding tenants in a neighborhood will lead to crime and, eventually, lower property values.
That’s not true, says a new policy brief by researchers who studied crime patterns and voucher use in Chicago and nine other large cities over a number of years.
Read more here.
Chicago Tribune – March 29, 2013
Author: admin
A Call to Action from MTO
End Discrimination Against Housing Choice Voucher Holders in Suburban Cook County
Dear Friends & Supporters:
This year, MTO, Access Living and Progress Center of Illinois and numerous supporters and endorsers are embarked on an effort to win passage of an amendment to the Cook County Human Rights Ordinance (CCHRO). The Source of Income protection – co-sponsored by Commissioners Jesus Garcia, Larry Suffredin and Robert Steele, would end discrimination against Housing Choice Voucher holders.
The CCHRO currently allows landlords to deny Housing Choice Voucher holders the right to apply for an apartment. Contrary to beliefs promoted by opponents of the amendment, a landlord would not be forced to rent to a voucher holder applicant. The landlord can still screen a tenant based on reasonable criteria such as past rental histories, credit checks, etc. Any successful landlord will tell you that the key to success is a good screening process based on facts. Click here to read more.
The amendment has 6 supporters on the Cook County Board of Commissioners:
7th District Commissioner Jesus Garcia, 13th District Commissioner Larry Suffredin, 2nd District Commissioner Robert Steele, 3rd District Commissioner Jerry Butler, 5th District Commissioner Deborah Sims, and 10th District Commissioner Bridget Gainer.
-Call to Action-
Please CALL and/or EMAIL the following Commissioners to express your support for the amendment.
Commissioner Earlean Collins (1st District): 312-603-4566 or 773-626-2184 –
Commissioner Edwin Reyes (8th District): 312-603-6386 or 773-588-1129 –
Commissioner Joan Murphy (6th District): 312-603-4216 or 708-389-2125 –
Commissioner John Fritchey (12th District): 312-603-6380 or 773-871-4000 –
Commissioner Peter Silvestri (9th District): 312-603-4393 or 773-774-8554 –
Commissioner Jeffrey Tobolski (16th District): 312-603-6384 or 708-352-2301 –
Let us know how it went and find out more about how you can get involved in this campaign. Contact Shirley at or 773-292-4980 ext 224.
Clergy Support Source of Income Campaign
MTO, Access Living and Progress Center Illinois held a Prayer Breakfast regarding the Source of Income amendment on January 15, 2013 at Pearl’s Place in Chicago. Over forty pastors and community leaders from across the city and suburbs were in attendance to hear from Housing Choice Voucher holders about experiences with discrimination based on their income.
Currently, the City of Chicago already prohibits landlords from discriminating against voucher holders. In the suburbs of Cook County, landlords can and do deny people housing solely because they have a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher. The Source of Income amendment is a protection that would require landlords to consider renting to Housing Choice Voucher holders. It would not force a landlord to participate in the program if the tenant does not meet typical requirements (i.e. poor credit rating, bad landlord reference). The amendment would give people with vouchers the equal opportunity to housing.
On Thursday January 24, 2013 from 2-4 pm at Progress Center Blue Island, MTO, Access Living and Progress Center IL invite you to attend a Town Hall meeting discussing housing discrimination. Come out and share your experiences with us, and help end housing discrimination and segregation. If you believe in equal opportunity, join us and show your support. For more information/transportation call us at 773-292-4980 ext. 224.
Heat and Other Essential Services – Terminate Lease – Sample Letter
This letter applies to residents within the city of Chicago only who are covered under the Residential Landlord Tenant Ordinance (RLTO). Please see the Exceptions to the RLTO to ensure the law applies to you.
For tenants in suburban Chicagoland, please click here for the law as it applies in your town.
Heat and Other Essential Services – 72-hour notice – Terminate Lease
Renters Protest Oak Park’s Largest Landlord
On Thursday, December 13, 2012, more than 40 tenants and advocates from across Cook County picketed Oak Park Apartments’ headquarters on Chicago Avenue to protest the company’s refusal to accept Housing Choice Vouchers. While it may be legal in Cook County suburbs to refuse to rent to Housing Choice Voucher holders, it is not morally right.
According to one Housing Choice Voucher holder that lives in Oak Park, who wanted to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation, “I have been denied occupancy in countless properties including Oak Park Apartments, just because I have a voucher. This is just not fair. I pay my rent yet I cannot live in certain buildings!”
Adam Ballard of Access Living and a voucher holder stated, “Many people with disabilities rely on vouchers for their housing. We want Oak Park Apartments and Cook County to end this legalized discrimination. All we are asking is to be treated like anyone else.”
Currently, the City of Chicago forbids landlords to discriminate against voucher holders. There is no such prohibition in Cook County suburbs. Cook County Commissioner Jesus Garcia, is trying to change that and has introduced legislation that would amend the County’s Human Rights Ordinance to make it illegal to discriminate against Housing Choice Voucher holders.
After the picket, tenants went to Cook County Commissioner Earlene Collins’ office. The group wanted to know why Commissioner Collins had not signed on as a supporter of the amendment. While the Commissioner was away at the time, the group was promised a meeting with the Commissioner.
According to Shirley Johnson, Organizing Director of the Metropolitan Tenants Organization, “Section 8, Housing Choice Voucher Holders are stereotyped and therefore often forced to live in high crime, low opportunity communities. The recent presidential election proved that it is a “new America” where diversity rules. A rental policy that refuses to rent to voucher holders is blatant discrimination and should be outlawed, especially in today’s modern society.”
Oak Park Apartments claims to offer “the largest selection of well-maintained apartments perfect for those who want to experience Oak Park’s architectural character, its excellent school system and vibrant and diverse village feel.” However, they intentionally exclude Housing Choice Voucher holders from these opportunities.
Access Living, Progress Center and the Metropolitan Tenants Organization organized the protest. The groups promised to return. According to Adam Ballard of Access Living, “The fight for our rights has just begun.”
Tenants Organize to Force Owner to Negotiate
Single Room Occupancy hotels provide some of the poorest people in our communities with housing. While this is hardly housing of choice, many residents of Chicago are very grateful the option exists. At least this is the case with residents of the New Jackson Hotel, a downtown SRO that houses mostly low-income seniors and people with disabilities. Recently, one of its residents contacted the MTO Hotline. He reported mice, mold, holes in walls and ceilings, and only sporadic access to heat. Chief among his concerns was the fact that the owner has stopped accepting rent, which signaled to him that the building was about to be shut down.
MTO sent an organizer out to help the tenants form a tenants association. MTO’s support empowered them to work together to take steps to save their housing. First, they persuaded the owner to begin receiving rent again, which gave them some security around keeping a roof over their heads. Hoping to build on that success, they sought to negotiate with him for better living conditions. At first the landlord refused to negotiate. Tenants contacted their Alderman and enlisted the support of Interfaith Housing Development Corporation, a non-profit developer of affordable housing. Working with MTO, the Alderman’s office and Interfaith, the tenants succeeded in bringing their landlord to the table to negotiate around building repairs.
The tenants’ demands are simple: A clear plan for the future of the building, repair of all conditions issues or appropriate reduction of rent, and the cessation of illegal evictions and lockouts.
After several months of contacting 311, working with lawyers, and focusing on the Alderman, the owner was forced to negotiate. He was stopped lockouts and evictions, and offered all tenants a relocation deal equal to 2,000 per tenant.
Rally at City Hall Against Proposed Demolition of 1,800 CHA Units
On Friday, October 12th, Chicagoans gathered at City Hall to protest the Chicago Housing Authority’s (CHA) proposed demolition of 1800 public housing units. Metropolitan Tenants Organization’s tenant leaders in conjunction with the Chicago Housing Initiative (CHI) led the charge against the proposed cuts.
“We need these units leased up not knocked down,” said Executive Director of People for Community Recovery and Metropolitan Tenants Organization (MTO) member, Cheryl Johnson. Ms. Johnson who is a resident of Altgeld Gardens, expressed concern about the more than 600 units slated for demolition at Altgeld Gardens. “This is about our future and ability to stay in our community,” said Johnson. “If they knock these units down, what’s to stop CHA from knocking the rest of our community down.”
After hearing from the hundreds of tenants outside the Mayor’s office on the 5th floor, staff for Mayor Emanuel’s office agreed to meet with coalition representatives to discuss the proposals for demolition. Organizers are hopeful the Mayor will intervene to stop the demolitions.
“The CHA exists for only one reason and that is to provide affordable housing to low-income residents,” said Leah Levinger, coordinator of the Chicago Housing Initiative. “The CHI coalition will continue to raise public awareness around the issue of leasing these units out,” said Levinger. “We are asking that Mayor Emanuel intervene to set the CHA back on track.”
According to the CHI, over 60,000 people are on CHA’s waiting list. This, in a time when Chicagoan’s incomes are down as much as 10%, and local rental rates have – over the past few years – increased by 14%. MTO supports CHI’s efforts to push CHA to lease out more public housing units and opposes the proposed demolition.
For more information or to get involved in this campaign contact MTO community organizer Noah Moscowitz at 773.292.4980 ext 236 or at
Help Yourself to a Healthy Home
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers education on how to protect your children’s health with this booklet “Help Yourself to a Healthy Home.” Learn about what hidden dangers may be in your home and how get rid of them. Healthy Home topics include: indoor air quality, asthma & allergies, mold & moisture, carbon monoxide, lead, drinking water, hazardous household products, pesticides and home safety.
To learn more about Healthy Homes or to speak to an Organizer call us at 773-292-4980 ext 231
Help Yourself to a Healthy Home
Tenants Lead the Fight Against Discrimination
Low-income tenants throughout the city are fighting to end discrimination against voucher holders in suburban Cook County. One tenant leader, Mr. Green wages an inspiring daily campaign from his wheelchair. Mr. Green has lived at 1440 S. Indiana for about three years. Residents of the building turn to Mr. Green to act as a liaison between them and the management. His commitment to improving the quality of life for the tenants of his building led him to become a member of MTO. Mr. Green not only works in his building, but also is a regular attendee of the monthly meetings of the Tenants Congress. This group is leading the Source of Income campaign.
In Chicago, it is against the law to discriminate against Section 8 voucher holders. However, in the suburbs, no such law applies. The Source of Income Campaign is fighting to pass a law that will also make it illegal to discriminate against Section 8 voucher holders in suburban Cook County. Although Mr. Green has no plans of moving out of Chicago any time soon, he has made this campaign his fight. His advocacy for this campaign stems from his belief that people shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate regardless of your age, gender, abilities or race, or simply because you use a voucher. His commitment to this campaign has moved him to spend several hours a week by the train station speaking to fellow Chicagoans about this issue and asking them support their suburban neighbors by signing the petition and calling the Cook County Commissioners to support the ordinance.
If you get off at the red line Roosevelt stop, Mr. Green may ask you to sign the petition to stop the discrimination in the suburbs. Make sure to sign it, and ask Mr. Green how you can become more involved.
Get the Facts: Section 8 Protections Fact Sheets
Proposal to Amend the Cook County Human Rights Ordinance:
Preventing Source of Income Discrimination
The Problem:
• The Cook County Human Rights Ordinance (CCHRO) currently protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of a person’s source of income (i.e., child support, social security). The CCHRO however specifically exempts from protection persons with “Section 8” Housing Choice Vouchers. Presently housing providers can and do deny qualified households solely because they have a Housing Choice Voucher. Studies have shown that housing providers often refuse to rent to voucher holders as a pretext for other types of illegal discrimination such as race, familial status, and disability.
The Solution:
• The proposed ordinance amendment would include in the protection against source of income discrimination persons with Housing Choice Vouchers. The amendment would not force property owners to rent any or all of their units to any households using Housing Choice Vouchers. Property owners will still have the right to screen applicants.
• The City of Chicago and six other municipalities in Illinois, ten states, the District of Columbia, and ten counties around the country have laws that protect individuals from discrimination based upon the use of a Housing Choice Voucher.
• Voucher holders are some of the most scrutinized tenants and must meet the rigorous admission criteria of the voucher administrator as well as comply with lease provisions. Nearly 40% of voucher recipients are employed and more than 30% are seniors or persons with disabilities. There is absolutely no evidence that persons who use Housing Choice Vouchers to make their housing affordable perpetuate or increase crime in communities.
• Landlord participation in the voucher program is not unduly burdensome. Landlords only have to complete three simple forms. Payments made by the housing authority are made electronically. Units must pass a Housing Quality Standards inspection. Voucher recipients have to complete most of the paperwork.
• By supporting this amendment to the CCHRO, the last remaining type of source of income discrimination in Cook County can finally end.
HACC Reply to Lincoln Property Company
Supporters of Source Income Protection for Section 8 Voucher Holders:
Access Living
Bethel New Life
Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation
Chicago Anti Eviction League
Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
Chicago Housing Authority
Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Chicago Urban League
Claretian Associates
Citizen Action Illinois
Connections for the Homeless
Evanston NAACP
Ford Heights Community Service Organization
Healthcare Alternative Systems (HAS)
Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
HOPE Fair Housing Center
Housing Action Illinois
Housing Authority of the County of Cook
Housing Choice Partners
Housing Opportunity Development Corporation
Interfaith Housing Center of the Northern Suburbs
Independent Voters of Illinois/ Independent Precinct Organization
Jane Addams Senior Caucus
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jobs with Justice
John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Clinic
Kingdom Community
La Casa Norte
Lakeside Community Development Corporation
Latin United Community Housing Association (LUCHA)
Latino Policy Forum
Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing
League of Women Voters of Cook County
Logan Square Neighborhood Association
Metropolitan Family Services
Metropolitan Tenants Organization
National Fair Housing Alliance
New Directions for Change
Northwest Side Housing Center
Progress Center for Independent Living
Protestants for the Common Good
Respond Now
The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
SEIU Local 73
South Suburban Housing Center
South Suburban PADS
Spanish Coalition for Housing
Supportive Housing Providers Association
Target Area Development Corporation
United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations
West Suburban PADS
Woodstock Institute